SILVER GROW - Career guidance and digital education for senior workers in enterprises

The aim of Silver Grow is to provide the complex model of services for senior workers in order to support their potential on the labour market. It foresees the promotion of lifelong guidance and counseling dedicated to senior workers.The project will improve knowledge and competences of career counsellors, employers and employees related to new counseling methods based on the constructivist approach. Partners will create the „fast pathˮ for senior workers and disseminate widely all results.

Project results: 5 panels with experts in each partner country, 50 in-depth interviews with employers and employees, one report with interactive parts/tools, the set of tools developed during the creation of a comprehensive training and advisory path (rapid response path) for senior employees, 50 employees from selected companies will increase their efficiency socio-professional, 25 trainers will acquire competences in the frame of the operation of the comprehensive approach.

Project duration: 01-10-2022 till 30-09-2025

GREEN CHAMBERS - Strategic partnership for the establishement of a new model
of Green Chambers providing VET in the Environmental
Sustainable and Governance fields

The main objective of Green Chambers is to address the gap of knowledge and training capacity of chambers in the field of Environment, Social and Governance strategies. For this, we intend to:
– Develop a train the trainer programme
– Better the assessment offered by chambers
– Offer a quality and innovative training model based on cooperation, learning by doing, and peer learning
– Spread a new model of “Green Chamber”, applying ESG principle to itself and delivering assessment in the field

Our expected results are:
– A competence profile and learning pathway for the ESG trainer.
– An innovative train the training course on ESG, that includes an internal implementation of ESG strategies inside the chambers
– An adhesion programme inviting further networks of chambers to join the “Green Chambers” model of sustainability.
– Durable impact on the local, regional and EU level in terms of transformation of business models towards more sustainable and social practices.

Project duration: 01-11-2022 till 31-10-2024

3E-LEARNING - Entrepreneurial E-learning Experience for Training
secondary school’s students

The project wants to offer a business game experience to increase high school students digital entrepreneurship, management competences and capabilities. This educational tool allows teachers and students to experience a good interaction in digital classrooms.

3E-LEARNING aims to:

1. Provide a new kind of educational tool to support teachers to organise attractive and involving online classrooms;

2. Transfer managerial competences useful to students by living a competitive virtual experience.

1st result of 3E-LEARNING project is an approach integrating pedagogic, design and software engineering methods. 2nd is a methodology, evaluated within the gaming sessions, to identify strengths and weaknesses in the new context. 3rd is the Business Game that will be available online for free to all partners. The BG will allow students to personally experience 3 different aspects of the entrepreneurship: 1. How to read the market. 2. How to make decisions: 3. How to seize opportunities/innovations.

Project website:

Project duration: 01-09-2022 till 31-08-2024

I.D.E.A. – Internationalization and Digitalization European

The project responds to the strongly felt need by EU SMEs to enter, develop and remain in international business circuits. The project addresses a topic of transnational relevance with a multi-actor partnership, cooperation strategy of co-elaboration of a continuous training model, of joint experimentation and adoption in European countries and of two transnational mobilities (LTTA) for trainers. I.D.E.A. is an action of European relevance able to favour the evolution of the VET training supply generating significant impacts in terms of fostering innovation in VET, and nurturing innovation capacity and competitiveness of EU and MS. Major achievements will deal with the development of a sustainable, multidisciplinary and participated approach that makes knowledge transfer and links between training and business easier reducing the misalignment between the skills generated by the training systems and those required by production systems by defining training courses calibrated on the analysis of company operating needs and the development of integrated training approaches, to generate positive effects in terms of competitive development of small businesses and professional success of workers. In the medium-term, the project is addressed to strengthen the basis of a well-organized and integrated network involving diverse partners from training and business, to influence policy-making, then capable of maximising the formative efficacy of training courses in the European partnership reference contexts.

Project website:

Project duration: 28-02-2022 do 28-02-2024

Project RETRAIL - New trends in Retail Commerce

Project aims at introducing retail SMEs in the world of digital business innovation, helping them to keep up with their larger counterparts and to boost their sales. The needs that we’re addressing through this project is a transition from the analog to the digital era, not for the large scale companies but for the SMEs, the need of the customer to have an easier and faster purchase experience and, most of all, the need for universal access to such knowledge regardless of a company’s fiscal level. The target groups that we address are SMEs with retail activities, salesmen in retail, sales managers and staff working in retail whose efficiency can be upgraded through digital innovation as well as trainers, VET institutions providing retail SMEs with training and Entrepreneurs’ Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Industry etc.

Project website:

Project duration: 01-01-2022 do 01-11-2023

Project RETOURN - Recovery Tourism after Natural disasters

The RETOURN (RECOVERY TOURISM after Natural disaster) project, positioned in the field of vocational training, was designed in response to the lack of preparedness and adequate knowledge of people working in the tourism sector on risk management and compensation for damage caused by natural disasters; disasters such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and pandemics, such as that caused by COVID-19.
The purpose of the project is to structure, implement, test and expand the training program “Recovery Tourism after Natural disasters”, focused on the management of tourist accidents and the restoration of the tourist image after the natural disaster. This path will consist of: – personal teaching, – open educational resources, – laboratory activities carried out according to an alternative didactic way of serious play, aimed at learning techniques and practices of creating emerging strategies in complex, uncertain and “disruptive” environments such as those who have suffered natural disasters.

Project website:

Project duration: 01-11-2021 to 01-05-2024

Project Working Smart

WorkingSmart builds on a strategic partnership between business and education to expand the skill set of HR managers in public and private organizations, including owners and managers in micro and small businesses. The proposed innovative training will enable them to be able to create environments that promote smart work by improving the management of diversity within and between organizations across Europe, promoting values and eliminating the risks associated with teleworking. Teleworking requires new skills that need to be managed in order to be successful for all.

Project website:

Project duration: 01-11-2021 to 01-11-2023

Project Green VET Choices

The Green VET Choices project joins fight for a healthier planet by developing and implementing an innovative learning methodology to increase green skills and interest in green vocational education and training. The professions offer rich opportunities for individuals interested in green technologies, green entrepreneurship, green social business and related environmentally conscious industries. These professions and careers play a key role in the pursuit of a healthier environment and green growth in European economies. The Green VET Choices project sees its central goal in developing a way to combine green vocational education and training with the fight against climate change by increasing the attractiveness and awareness of green career opportunities and promoting the required green and digital skills and competences.

Project website:

Project duration: 01-11-2021 to 01-03-2024

Project VET BIG

The partners of the project “VET BIG – Businessesses’ International Growth” have prepared an educational program based on the results of research conducted in all member states of the consortium. The educational program consists of 13 units covering the main topics of internationalization and digitalization of SMEs. The program is currently under technical processing, which means that educational videos are being prepared and published in all national languages of the partners (IT, SL, ŠP, GR and PL); at the end of October, all training materials will be published on a platform that will be available to participants through registration.

The aim of the training is to include 80 workers (20 in Italy, 15 each in Greece, Poland, Spain and Slovenia) with less experience in the field of internationalization.

More at:

Project S.Ma.R.T.

At present, there are no curricula in higher education institutions that would provide market intermediaries with the set of knowledge and competencies needed to meet the challenges of the constantly changing global markets for agricultural products. The current approach undermines the EU’s ability to maintain its global market share and increase the efficiency of the internal market by better positioning its products. As there is a need to develop innovative curricula for educating professional intermediaries on the appropriate position in both supply (so-called producers / sellers) and demand (ie international buyers) of high-quality EU agricultural products, the project partnership “SMaRT-Sales Management and Relationships for Trade” will develop, test and validate and promote a credit course of 20 ECTS, based on a balanced mix of classrooms, e-games and WBL learning, built into the current educational offer of 4 higher education institutions in 4 countries, which will be promoted and maintained after the end of funding for at least another 2 years.

More at:

Project S.I.M.P.L.E.

The S.I.M.P.L.E. project stems from the observation of an exponential increase in economic and social vulnerability, where we find that one of the possible solutions to this emergency situation is the creation of new innovative business models. It is essential for entrepreneurs to recognize value in terms of the social impact of their business or the social impact that each intervention has on the community or on specific categories of beneficiaries. With the S.I.M.P.L.E. we want to identify sustainable pathways, business models and impact measurement methodologies that take into account the specific characteristics of SMEs and take advantage of good business practices at national, European and international level. In addition, we want to identify the relevant skills needed to establish such a transformation pathway within SMEs.

Project ExpoVET

The overall goal of the ExpoVET project is to develop export-oriented entrepreneurial knowledge of vocational education and training students through open access modules. Entrepreneurial candidates for vocational education and training, equipped with export skills, will be much more popular in business life, and these will contribute to the economic development of the country. Therefore, this project will link vocational education with the real sector. In order to move to export-oriented vocational education and training and to improve the export of countries, it is necessary to strengthen the capacity of vocational education and training students. The project brings together partners from Slovenia, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria and Italy.

Project EMIC-GEM

The project “Embracing Modular Innovation in Construction – Getting Education Modernized” (EMIC-GEM), funded by the Erasmus + program, is led by the City of Glasgow College in cooperation with the Academia Maribor and partners from Spain, Germany, Austria and the United Kingdom. The purpose of this project is to change the implementation of advanced vocational education and training for modular construction. An innovative training model and competence framework will present best practices and approaches for comparing the education of teaching staff. Key processes will be digitized, with an emphasis on decarbonisation, improving energy and resource efficiency, workplace safety and workforce diversity.

More at:

Project ELP Transport

The ELP Transport project is a strategic partnership aimed at developing innovative results in the field of vocational training for the local public transport system (LPTS), developed transnationally and based on coordinated action between research, LTPS companies, vocational education and training providers and local communities. The dynamics of transformation have a global impact on the urban mobility sector. Public transport has a strategic role. Development, innovation, intramodality and interconnections for passengers and goods, and especially at urban – and therefore also local level – are among the major challenges for European transport, so that services can be more efficient and more sustainable. The partnership was created to develop innovative training solutions that can respond to the increasingly complex environment of the public transport system, which faces growing challenges in terms of environmental and economic sustainability, technical and economic competences and a user-centered approach.

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Project TransIT

TransIt project develops and provides new innovative curricula, educational methods and development of training courses for managers of SMEs, Industry and Entrepreneurship for the preparation/transition to Industry 4.0 that will ensure a broad overview, cross-sectoral cooperation and more innovative outcomes.

The objective of the project is to create a concentrated work based training kit for the middle management of SMEs with a technical background, which aims at developing transversal competences necessary for managing the transition to Industry 4.0, in work environment. Innovative thinking and motivational management are the key training units that overarching and involve further modules/other competences. From these, businesses may select „packages” according to their needs. Our goal is to enhance innovation and motivation, as key elements of success: maximising the ability to bring out the best of the workforce, inspiring to innovate and optimising the use of HR potentials.

More on:

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